TEEN pregnancy might not be a laughing matter for most people but you can’t help but smile after watching Juno.
It is the tale of a sixteen-year-old girl called Juno MacGuff (Ellen Page) who discovers she is pregnant after her first-time sexual encounter with her best friend Paulie Bleeker (Michael Cera).Why this simple, and perhaps unsavoury, premise works as a movie is its delicate and honest precision.
Juno makes one mistake and as well as having to face the reactions of family, friends, medical professionals, teachers, students and the general public — she has to swiftly grow up to make some very adult decisions.
Should she have an abortion? Should she adopt? Should she keep the baby? All these issues are covered and yet Juno still manages to be packed with plenty of humour.
This is great film territory for rising star Ellen Page, whose acting abilities are incredible for someone her age.
Juno is also incredibly insightful about the whole spectrum of human relationships.
The film is strong in exploring the impact Juno’s pregnancy has on the people around her
from the dumbfounded reaction of unprepared Paulie to the genuine care and concern of her dad Mac (J.K. Simmons).
It is also heartwarming to see Juno’s stepmother transform from the villain in the piece to someone Juno can wholeheartedly rely on.
While the story is realistic, the dialogue certainly is not, sounding something like a Kevin Smith film.
But this, plus an excellent soundtrack, only cements the quirky charm of this surprise hit.
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